Anne of Green Gables tells the story of Anne Shirley, the spunky, talkative, imaginative, red-haired orphan girl living with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert in the town of Avonlea. Through mishap and adventure, readers watch the precocious Anne grow from a lonely, emotional child to a self-assured and confident young woman. This timeless coming-of-age story is told with beauty, spirit, and wit, and its dauntless heroine is sure to charm readers of every generation. The Anne of Green Gables Student Study Guide increases the student’s vocabulary and reading comprehension by providing in-depth vocabulary study, comprehension questions, and enrichment activities. The Anne of Green Gables Student Study Guide features guidelines for reading, reading notes, vocabulary work, expressions for discussion, comprehension questions, enrichment activities, an appendix of vocabulary words, poems, scripture, and Shakespearean references discussed in the novel, and a map of Canada.