Little Women by Louisa May Alcott tells the story of the four March sisters growing up in a small New England town during the Civil War. In this classic novel, ladylike Meg, adventurous Jo, gentle Beth, and willful Amy come of age and navigate life’s joys and disappointments. Together with their kind and capable mother, Marmee, and the cheerful neighbor boy, Laurie, the girls learn lessons of love, hope, friendship, and loss as they transition from girlhood to womanhood. This timeless tale of family and friendship is sure to delight your student as they come to know and love the endearing little women of the March family. The Little Women Student Study Guide increases the student’s vocabulary and reading comprehension by providing in-depth vocabulary study, comprehension questions, quotations, and enrichment activities. The Little Women Student Study Guide contains vocabulary study, comprehension questions, quotations, and enrichment activities. It will guide students to a deeper understanding of the novel and a greater awareness of the central proposition that gives the story ultimate meaning and expression. The answers are provided in the Little Women Teacher Guide.