Math Mammoth Light Blue Series Grade 2-B Worktext

by Ingram

The four main areas of study for second grade are:

  • Understanding of the base-ten system within 1000. This includes place value with three-digit numbers, skip- counting in fives, tens, and multiples of hundreds, tens, and ones (within 1000). (chapters 6 and 8);
  • Develop fluency with addition and subtraction within 100, including solving word problems, regrouping in addition, and regrouping in subtraction (chapters 1, 3, 4, and 8);
  • Using standard units of measure (chapter 7);
  • Describing and analyzing shapes (chapter 5).

Additional topics we study are time/clock (chapter 2), money (chapter 9), introduction to multiplication (chapter 10), and bar graphs and picture graphs (in various chapters).