Apologia: Zoology 1 Textbook


Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures is a homeschool science course for elementary grades K-6  and part of our Young Explorer Series authored by Jeannie Fulbright. For over 11 years in a row, The Young Explorer Series has been voted the #1 homeschool science for elementary grades. In this book, your children will begin exploring the dynamics of flight and animal classification, understanding why the design we see in these incredible creatures points us to our Creator God. Then, get ready for the exciting adventure of learning about birds. Your children will learn how to attract various bird species to your yard and identify them by looking at their special physical characteristics, diverse nests, and interesting domestic practices. They will also learn anatomy and the glorious design that enables birds to do remarkable things. The text contains actual experiments on the preferences and habits of the birds your children see. These experiments further enrich the learning experience.
After becoming amateur ornithologists, your children will explore the world of chiropterology, which is the study of bats. They will be able to intelligently share with others the value of bats in our world while exposing the misconceptions that most people have regarding these docile creatures of the night. Your children will then investigate entomology, the study of insects. They will learn to scientifically classify insects they find in their yard by a simple glance at their wings and other important characteristics. In addition to designing experiments with flies, crickets, darkling moths, and caterpillars, they will also learn how to attract and catch insects for scientific study.