Critical Thinking Company Editor in Chief Level 3


Description & Features

This fun and highly effective 216-page book teaches students in Grades 9-12 grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and critical reading in a standards-based approach that emphasizes critical thinking about writing rather than the usual drill and practice found in competing products. Students develop and practice their skills by carefully analyzing and editing stories, letters, or articles that contain mechanical errors. This book also includes a helpful 49 page grammar guide so that students can learn or review concepts as needed. This very effective book allows students to gain mastery over concepts that will translate into their own writing, and serve them well for a lifetime.

Editor in Chief® Level 3 includes lessons and practice with the following concepts:

     •  Capitalization
     •  Apostrophes
     •  Colons
     •  Comma
     •  Exclamation Marks
     •  Hyphens
     •  Question Marks
     •  Quotation Marks
     •  Parenthesis
     •  Periods
     •  Semicolons
     •  Adjectives
     •  Adverbs
     •  Agreement
     •  Articles
     •  Clauses
     •  Homophones
     •  Homographs
     •  Interjections
     •  Nouns
     •  Phrases
     •  Preposition
     •  Pronouns
     •  Run-On Sentences
     •  Sentence Fragments
     •  Verbs
     •  Confused Word Pairs
     •  Spelling