Math Mammoth Light Blue Series Grade 4-A Worktext

by Ingram

In the fourth grade, students focus on multi-digit multiplication and division, learning to use bigger numbers, solving multi-step word problems that involve several operations, and they get started in studying fractions and decimals. This is of course accompanied by studies in geometry and measuring.

The year starts out with a review of addition and subtraction, patterns, and graphs. We illustrate word problems with bar diagrams and study finding missing addends, which teaches algebraic thinking. Children also learn addition and subtraction terminology, the order of operations, and statistical graphs.

Next come large numbersup to millions, and the place value concept. At first the student reviews thousands and some mental math with them. Next are presented numbers up to one million, calculations with them, the concept of place value and comparing. In the end of the chapter we find out more about millions and an introduction to multiples of 10, 100, and 1000.

The third chapter is all about multiplication. After briefly reviewing the concept and the times tables, the focus is on learning multi-digit multiplication (multiplication algorithm). The children also learn why it works when they multiply in parts. We also study the order of operations again, touch on proportional reasoning, and do more money and change related word problems.

The last chapter in part A is about time, temperature, length, weight, and volume. Students will learn to solve more complex problems using various measuring units and to convert between measuring units.

In part B, we first study division. The focus is on learning long division and using division in word problems. In geometry, we first review area and perimeter, and then concentrate on the topic of angles. Students measure and draw angles, solve simple angle problems, and classify triangles according to their angles. They also study parallel and perpendicular lines.

Fractions and decimals are presented last in the school year. These two chapters practice only some of the basic operations with fractions and decimals. The focus is still on conceptual understanding and on building a good foundation towards 5th grade math, where fractions and decimals will be in focus.